Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Shallow Bitch!

Posting rants is fun!


I am simply B*O*R*E*D silly with the Xmas holiday. Over! Enough! Nothing is FUN! I am not enjoying people who are so fucking snotty, depressed, tired and bored. I am not loving giving or receiving gifts the way I use to...it's just too much1 i am really prepared to sit down and put together a goddamned registry for all to see so i can receive something I really really want. I mean, I am tired of food, hangers, cashmere sssscarves, blankets in poar fleece pillows that are scented, big ass candles and notices that Im not getting anything because it's going to charity. Shallow bitch? Hell YEAH!
I am now fascinated with the "ledge" people. These are the ones who lurk at anything you put out on that landing directly outside your office as a "giveaway". I mean, if you put out used hankies in a stack filled with snot, someone WILL take them. And rewrap them! I like to see what goes...soaps, cards, cd's, paper, flipflops, books, studded thong panties and Santa pasties, popcorn AND the tins!
I also have nothing to watch. Havent had a desire to see one single movie...I am s boring...as is this blog!

Good noggin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I fall into that "ledge person" category. I love anything that's free (but it has to be useful in someway). Your blog rocks and I'll be checking here more often now that viewfromthefourthrow seems to be taking a break.